Steve Aftergood: $137 Billion in Wrongful Spending in Just One Year – Congressional Research Service

The government mistakenly disbursed more than $137 billion in Fiscal Year 2015, the highest annual level of wrongful spending ever reported, the Congressional Research Service noted last week. Over $1 trillion in improper payments have been made by government agencies since 2004. Improper payments “are payments made in an incorrect amount, payments that should not …

Congressional Research Service: Presidential Stuff

Presidential Transitions: Issues Involving Outgoing and Incoming Administrations The report addresses the use of executive orders, record preservation and clemency actions by the outgoing Administration, as well as cybersecurity, budget preparation, political appointments, and so forth. Essential reference. Security Clearance Process:Answers to Frequently Asked Questions In fact, the security clearance system itself is an expression …

Search: “Joe Markowitz” OSINT

Hand-culled best of the best for Joe Markowitz: 2006 Markowitz (US) Open Source Information and US Transitions to and from Hostilities (Defense Science Board Report, December 2004), in Relation to Information-Sharing with non-DoD and Froeign Parties 2003 Markowitz (US) Open Source in Support to All-Source Intelligence 1995 Markowitz (US) Community Open Source Program Office (COSPO) …

Search: Risk Management

An excellent search from Copenhagen has reminded us that Phi Beta Iota is a memory box full of wonderful useful stuff. Below is the general search link, with selected “greats” below the fold. Risk Management @ Phi Beta Iota