Robert Steele: Is the GOP Stabbing the President in the Back?

‘We’re thinking landslide’: Beyond D.C., GOP officials see Trump on glide path to reelection ROBERT STEELE: I continue to think Romney & GOP are stabbing the President in the back.  This strikes me as a passive-aggressive posture intended to keep a lot of people home. It is absolutely irresponsible for any GOP official at any …

Trump Triumph Part II: $100 Trillion Stolen by Wall Street Recoverable — Robert Steele’s Open Letter to the President

11 June 2020 Open Letter to the President Leverage NSA, Clean Up Wall Street, Engage Authentic Black Leaders Mr. President, It is my good fortune to be a former spy and also good friends with Bill Binney and known to Mike Flynn.  It has taken me months to arrange for Bill Binney to speak on …

DONATE DIRECT To LtGen Michael Flynn — Impoverished and Betrayed by Covington Law Firm, Rescued by Sidney Powell, But Needs Operating Funds Today UPDATE Additional Ben Garrison Cartoon

I join Rush Limbaugh, receipient of the Medal of Freedom, in urging all citizens who care about the future of this country to donate to the Legal Defense Fund for General Michael Flynn. He was impoverished and betrayed by the Covington Law Firm, in malicious conspiracy with Eric Holder and other scum within the Obama …

Robert Steele: “I Told You So” in 2002 — Public Health and Data Integrity Vulnerabilities. No One Wanted to Listen. They Still Don’t Want to Listen! Mike Flynn for DNI/DCI!

Since ghost-writing “Global Intelligence Challenges in the 1990’s” for then Commandant of the US Marine Corps General Al Gray, I have been on a mission from God: to restore intelligence, integrity, and imagination to the incredibly dishonest and unprofessional US Intelligence Community (IC). In 2002 I published the below graphic in my  second book ( …