Journal: Army Industrial-Era Network Security + Cyber-Security RECAP (Links to Past Posts)

Army Times article, second below, reports what the beginning of what I expect will be a major decline in functionality of Army computer systems.  While some sort of institutional response to the alleged Wikileaks traitor, Specialist Bradley Manning, is appropriate, I don’t think this is it.  This is a simplistic approach, the sort of thing …

Journal: To “Win” the Cyber War, Start with a Brain

ADM McConnell has it right, although he’s understating a key aspect of the problem.  Let’s postulate that we have abundant technical capability.  The core of the problem, IMHO, lies with lawyers and legislators who will not permit effective utilization of the technical capability.  While easier said than done, particularly in terms of domestic and international …

Journal: Cyber-Security Etc. & Multinational Engagement

As attacks increase, U.S. struggles to recruit computer security experts Hackers break Amazon’s Kindle DRM–The great ebook ‘unswindle’ Peace, Justice and the Lord’s Resistance Army Weapons-carrying plane headed for Sri Lanka Phi Beta Iota: It has finally come to pass.  Cyber-security–like the Black Plague before it–and of course the ten high-level threats to humanity so …

Review: Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution

Beyond 6 Stars–And a Seventh for Accessible Pricing December 5, 2009 Peter A. Corning I could spend a lifetime reading and re-reading this book, and each of the cited sources, and not waste the time at all. This is one of the most extraordinary works I have encountered, and while I cannot do it justice, …

Journal: Cyber-Security or Cyber-Scam? Plus Short List of Links to Reviews and Books on Hacking 101

COVER STORY: The Cyberwar Plan  It’s not just a defensive game; cyber-security includes attack plans too, and the U.S. has already used some of them successfully. by Shane Harris Saturday, Nov. 14, 2009 14 tech firms form cybersecurity alliance for government Lockheed Martin, top suppliers launch initiative for government market By Wyatt Kash  Nov 12, …