Journal: Microsoft, Cyber-Security, Syllable, & Integrity

Silent Install Firefox Plugin Backfires on Microsoft posted by Kroc Camen    on Sat 17th Oct 2009 05:27 UTC Now a security hole has been found in a plugin that Microsoft have  been silently installing into Firefox.  Along with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, Microsoft have been silently  installing a Windows Presentation Foundation Plugin that allows the …

2004 Robert Steele: Reinventing Intelligence, From Truth, Power

REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE: FROM TRUTH, POWER Robert D. Steele, MA MPA NWC CIA(OPS) USMCR President, OPEN SOURCE SOLUTIONS, Inc. Editor’s Note: [Mr. Steele is a veteran of the clandestine service with three back-to-back tours in Latin America]. He received two awards while an operations officer. He has also served in offices responsible for programming satellite systems …

1994 Sounding the Alarm on Cyber-Security

This is the cover letter to the US Government official most responsible for thinking about the National Information Infrastructure (NII) and the security of that infrastructure.  Three “top guns,” one of the the foremost authority in the public arena, another the foremost expert on these matters advising the National Security Agency (NSA) all agreed on …