Jean Lievens: Factory of the Future – Internet of Things (Not Yet Rooted in Open Source Everything, True Cost Economics, or Holistic Analytics)

The Factory of the Future Will Be Shaped by the Internet of Things Andrew Dugenske, Alain Louchez, August 2014 Around the globe, intelligent and pervasive industrial automation has been catapulted in recent years to a top national or regional priority. Known by different names, e.g., “Advanced Manufacturing”, “Smart Manufacturing”, “Industry 4.0” or “Factories of …

Jean Lievens: Is the Sharing Economy Potentially a Locust Economy Ravaging a Collaborative Economy More Delicate Than Realized?

The Locust Economy Venkat RibbonFarm, 3 April 2013 Last week, I figured out that I am a part-time locust. Here’s how it happened. I was picking the brain of a restauranteur for insight into things like Groupon. He confirmed what we all understand in the abstract: that these deals are terrible for the businesses that …

Matthew Ehret: Escaping the Brave New World: Transhumanism, Utopias and Eugenics

Escaping the Brave New World: Transhumanism, Utopias and Eugenics What are the roots of the transhumanist movement that is currently shaping so much of today’s zeitgeist under such themes as Elon Musk’s Neuralink, Ray Kurzweil’s “singularity point”, and Klaus Schwab’s 4th Industrial Revolution? In this Escaping the Brave New World Podcast, Chained Muse Editor David …

Scott Kesterson: Some Big Ideas [In Conversation with Robert Steele

Scott Kesterson spoke with Robert Steele for an hour on March 30th about mutual interests — the video is here.  The BIG surprise for Robert was Scott’s extemely original, integrated, relevant ideas for Making America Great Again. Below Robert shares his notes. He has encouraged Scott to publish a short book at Amazon in Kindle …

Mongoose: BOOM – Notional Big Picture Right Now

Below from a patriot, but not fully verified — for example, there has been no public notice of the Insurrection Act having been signed but many including Juan O. Savin (PP) believe this to be  the case. Below is what should be happening — whether it will actually happen remains to be seen