Who’s Who in Peace Intelligence: Richard Falk

Richard Falk is the Albert G. Milbank Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University and the Bette and Wylie Aitken Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at Chapman University School of Law. His book, The Great Terror War (2003), considers the American response to September 11, including its relationship to the patriotic duties of American …

New Army Chief of Staff: Out of Touch? NEW: Blistering Bullshit Flag Waved from Afghanistan

For information. Source of Letter From Afghanistan for ACOS: I have not seen so much BS in a while.  The 10th Mountain deployed to Afghanistan without the proper equipment to operate in the mountains. They lacked adequate cold weather gear and our lift capability does not fly well here either.  With the exception of 40 …

Search: cost of corruption + Corruption RECAP

The discussion of corruption–and the urgency of reasserting integrity–permeates this website. Here are a general comment and a few links. General comment: Corruption consists of a lack of integrity, which in turn is not just about dishonesty, but about a failure to achieve transparency, truth, trust, and accurate feedback loops.  The cost of corruption, calculated …

The Limits of Air Power

A really excellent piece of work by my good friend Andrew Cockburn. Los Angeles Times April 3, 2011 The Limits Of Air Power Wars cannot be won with precision bombings alone. NATO’s air war against Serbia is often touted as a success, but even that took longer than predicted and the cease-fire terms were unchanged. …