Berto Jongman: Fear Artificial Stupidity Not Artificial Intelligence

Fear artificial stupidity, not artificial intelligence Stephen Hawking thinks computers may surpass human intelligence and take over the world. We won’t ever be silicon slaves, insists an AI expert Mark Bishop in NewScientist It is not often that you are obliged to proclaim a much-loved genius wrong, but in his alarming prediction on artificial intelligence …

Review: Beyond the Fracking Wars – A Guide for Lawyers, Public Officials, Planners, and Citizens

Erica Levine Powers and Beth E. Kinne (editors) 4 stars. Useful contribution badly marketed and badly priced The authors, being from New York, know what the NYT and Mother Jones both missed in their stories on Governor Cuomo banning fracking in New York: that it was a legal couple Helen and David Slottje that went …

Jean Lievens: Greek Lessons — How Syriza (A Political Party) Might End European Central Banking Tyranny Plus Comment on Debt Renunciation and Embargos

Syriza can transform the EU from within – if Europe will let it EXTRACT Syriza promises first to achieve a substantial write-off of Greek debt and, second, to lift austerity by aiming for balanced budgets, instead of the surpluses demanded by the troika. It will reconnect families to the electricity network, provide food relief and …

Steve Aftergood: Diplomatic History of US with Iran Withheld — 61 Years Later — Due to Lasting Damage of CIA Covert Action

Department of State Delays Release of Iran History The U.S. Department of State has blocked the publication of a long-awaited documentary history of U.S. covert action in Iran in the 1950s out of concern that its release could adversely affect ongoing negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program. The controversial Iran history volume, part of the official …

Stephen E. Arnold: A Balanced View of “Artificial Intelligence” — Elementary, Not a Threat — Most, Including Factiva, Have Missed the Boat…

Artificial Intelligence: Duh? What? I have been following the “AI will kill us”, the landscape of machine intelligence craziness, and “Artificial Intelligence Isn’t a Threat—Yet.” The most recent big thinking on this subject appears in the Wall Street Journal, an organization in need of any type of intelligence: Machine, managerial, fiscal, online, and sci-fi. Harsh? …