Berto Jongman: Gray Work – Confessions of an American Paramilitary Spy

Can be ordered now, releases on 27 May 2014. Jamie Smith.  Gray Work: Confessions of an American Paramilitary Spy (William Morrow, 2014) Book Description: An unprecedented, raw, first-hand look into the life of America’s private paramilitary warriors and their highly secretive work around the world. Jamie Smith, a contractor with more than two decades under …

Gregory Kulacki: DSB Off Point on Open Source Intelligence Reform + Strong Comment

Defense Science Board Off Point on Open Source Intelligence Reform Gregory Kulacki Union of Concerned Scientists, 28 January 2013 About the author: Gregory has lived and worked in China for the better part of the last twenty-five years facilitating exchanges between academic, governmental, and professional organizations in both countries. Since joining the Union of Concerned …

Chuck Spinney: Should US Leave Afghanistan? Is BBC Out of Its Mind? Robert Steele Comments

The attached BBC report/video by John Simpson describing Afghan attitudes toward the US/UK exit struck me as bizarre.  The weight of Simpson’s gist is that most Afghans do not want us to leave.  But the report based most of its information on interviews in Kabul and only a short part (the wobbly part) on the …

4th Media: The WEST Publicly Claims To Be Fighting Terrorism, Whilst Covertly Nourishing It

The WEST Publicly Claims To Be Fighting Terrorism, Whilst Covertly Nourishing It Syria Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, who headed his country’s official delegation to Geneva II, called at the opening session of the conference on a collective confrontation against terrorism and on starting a national dialogue in Damascus, SANA reported. By Walid al-Moallem – Syria …

Worth A Look: Manufactured Crisis – The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare

Gareth Porter Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare Manufactured Crisis provides unique and timely background to the ongoing diplomacy around Iran’s nuclear technology program. In it, award-winning investigative journalist Gareth Porter offers a well documented critique of the official ‘western’ account of what the Iranian government has been doing, and why. …