Patrick Meier: Crowdsourcing Syrian Crisis via Twitter API

Crowdsourcing Crisis Information from Syria: Twitter API vs Firehose Over 400 million tweets are posted every day. But accessing 100% of these tweets (say for disaster response purposes) requires access to Twitter’s “Firehose”. The latter, however, can be prohibitively expensive and also requires serious infrastructure to manage. This explains why many (all?) of us in the …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria-Lebanon Tribal Sunni vs Shi’Ite War Widens

Syria-Lebanon: According to a Beirut newspaper, the Syrian opposition group affiliated with al Qaida, the Al-Nusrah Front, has distributed a statement announcing that it will commence military operations in Lebanon. The statement said, “If Hizballah is not deterred from killing our mujahideen brethren in Syria, and if its members do not withdraw from the Syrian …

Berto Jongman: McKinsey 12 Technologies Driving the Future — With Comment from Robert Steele

These 12 technologies will drive our economic future Neil Irwin Washington Post, 24 May 2013 As the chart shows, the McKinsey folks believe that the most economically significant technologies over the next decade-plus will be those already well underway in their development — the mobile Internet, largely in place in the adv Indeed, maybe the …

Search: phd topics on the role of intelligence in peace support operation + Peacekeeping RECAP

Had to Stop.  WordPress Cannot Handle So Many Links, and Entire Phi Beta Iota Site is About Peace and Prosperity Through Intelligence with Integrity.  Links Below Line Estimated 25% of Relevant Links Across all 12,000+ Posts. Excellent search and badly needed PhD thesis that could “write the book” on the role of intelligence in support …

Mini-Me: Israel Digging Its Own Grave — Funded by US Taxpayer — Genocide of the Palestians, the Last State-Run Gulag

Huh? Israel digging own grave, its death very close: Kevin Barrett Video 24.49 Transcript Below Press TV has conducted an interview with Dr. Kevin Barrett, with the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance from Wisconsin, to shed more light on Zionist settlers’ protests against the austerity measures implemented by the Tel Aviv regime. What follows is a rough transcription …

Eagle: BRICS to USA, World Bank, IMF — “Piss Off” — Meanwhile, South Africa & China Talk About All of Africa

BRICS Nations Plan New Bank to Bypass World Bank, IMF Bloomberg, 26 May 2013 The biggest emerging markets are uniting to tackle under-development and currency volatility with plans to set up institutions that encroach on the roles of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The leaders of the so-called BRICS nations — Brazil, Russia, …

Berto Jongman: NATO Gladio B, Ayman al-Zawahiri as Asset, Destabilizing Russian Border Countries….NSA Barred from Monitoring Azerbaijan, Turkey, Belgium, and UK + GLADIO/False Flag Meta-RECAP

A great deal of information.  Being read in Europe. Special Report | Why was a Sunday Times report on US government ties to al-Qaeda chief spiked? FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds was described as “the most gagged person in the history of the United States” by the American Civil Liberties Union. Was the Sunday Times pressured …