Mongoose: The Deep State and False Flag Operations — Empire, Gladio, Death of the West

The “Deep State” and the Unspoken Crimes of the U.S. Empire, Operation Gladio The key institutions of Western societies have lost their credibility.  They fail to merit either the respect or loyalty of the domestic populations they purport to serve.  The assassinations of the entire elite level of progressive leadership in the United States during …

Mongoose: Violent “American Spring” Looms as “A Legacy of Blood” is Plotted

A “Legacy Of Blood” – Obama, Clinton, And Lynch Plotting A Violent Uprising Against Trump Sultan Knish: Obama’s Third Term is Here Expert: 60% of pro-Obamacare comments are posted by paid trolls The American Media Hide From The Truth See Also: When ‘Disinformation’ Is Truth President Trump’s Lawyers Plan a White House Legal Attack on …

Mongoose: Trump Busts 1,500 Pedophiles — Mainstream Media Complicit with Deep State and Elite Pedophilia Censors Story

Trump Busts 1,500 Pedophiles — Media Keeps Silent “It’s not talked about enough. … And we’re going to talk about it” The mainstream media (MSM) has kept silent as President Donald Trump in his first two months of office has overseen the arrests of more than 1,500 pedophiles, almost four times more than the 400 …