Mongoose: Insider Reports Obama Is Preparing To Take On Trump – ‘Resignation’ Or ‘Impeachment’

Insider Reports Obama Is Preparing To Take On Trump – ‘Resignation’ Or ‘Impeachment’ Former President Barack Obama is reassembling his team to fight President Donald Trump and attack the policies issued from the White House. According to an exclusive report from The Daily Mail, a close Obama friend stated their goal is to “…oust Trump …

Mongoose: #GoogleGestapo Folds in Digital Assassination of Natural News, We Still Need a Racketeering Investigation Against Eric Schmidt, Google, Facebook, and Twitter

This is moderately good news. The Independent Media Defeats Google’s Censorship Practices-Natural News Restored One has to remember, that the Independent Media brings the public the truth where the MSM and the social media monopolies obscure the truth and the illegal actions of their benefactors. Mike Adams’ Natural News restored by Goggle after massive takedown …

Mongoose: Omidyar as a Threat to National Security — the Open Government Partnership as a Fifth Column Subverting the Constitution and the Republic

An investigative report from a Citizen. Dear Mr. Steele: You are ABSOLUTELY on target!  I discovered you last fall and have devoured your interviews and much of your writing. Your comprehensive approach to problems and solutions is, unfortunately, a rarity these days.  We need more of you! Your challenge to Bannon during yesterday’s Hagmann interview …

Mongoose: 9/11 – Gold War Against Russia, Buzzy Krongard, Brown & Root, Bush Crime Family, Dick Cheney, and More..

The evidence is now conclusive that Buzzy Krongard was the lead project manager for the Gold War against Russia, with the complicity of CIA under George Tenet. The futures trading against the companies hurt by 9/11 has been conclusively traced to Brown & Root. It is now clear that the Bush Crime Family, from their …