Review: The Resilient Earth–Science, Global Warming and the Future of Humanity

Pushes the Re-Set Button on Both Gore and Lomborg October 3, 2009 Doug L. Hoffman and Allen Simmons The more I read, the less I know and the more frustrated I grow with the insanity of academic, government, corporate, and non-governmental stovepipes of knowledge in isolation. Right up front this book, read crossing the Atlantic …

Journal: Paul Rahe and Charles Gasparino on Obama’s Implosion

Burned by Obama:Wall St. execs feel betrayed By CHARLES GASPARINO,September 29, 2009 Obama, according to Wall Street people who regularly deal with his economic and budget officials, is acting as if he has a blank check to do what he wants, while ignoring the longterm costs of his policies. Paul Rahe: Obama’s wrecking crew September …

Journal: Strike Three for Congress

Seats for Sale Thursday, September 24, 2009 By FCW Editorial What’s so revealing about the 50 is not how rich they are — combined, they are worth a total of $1.3 billion, which is down $171 million from last year’s list — but how new so many of them are.

Reference: Global Outlook Special on False Flag Operations

Here to the side is the cover of an extraordinary and appropriately titled Collector’s Edition of Global Outlook, Issue 13 Annual 2009.  We consider it the New Age counterpart to the first Whole Earth Catlog, a non-violent alternative to the Aranrchist Cookbook. As with most publications where passion is paramount, we retain a reserve of …

Review: Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle

Potential Straw to Break the Camel’s Back September 19, 2009 Chris Hedges I disagree with those who dismiss this book, however erudite their claims. The author first impressed me with American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America. Reading this book on the heels of Grand Illusion: The Myth of Voter Choice in …

Journal: Race, Class, Money & Truth

In keeping with our new-found commitment to focus on public intelligence and leave political reform to others, this commentary provides an overview  of the political scene (including political commentary from journalists lacking any independence), and concludes that what is missing from our national dialog are integrity and public intelligence. First, the political “terrain” of ideological …