Richard Wright: Integrity? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Integrity!

Integrity? We don’t need no stinkin’integrity! Precision Munitions Lessen Need for Close Air Support Plane: Schwartz Answers the A-10 Question PENTAGON: One of the longest-running debates between the Air Force and the Army centers on close air support. Historically, the Air Force hates supplying CAS and doesn’t like buying or maintaining the planes that do …

Review: Leverage – How Cheap Money Will Destroy the World

Karl Denninger STRONG FIVE – Original, Award-Winning, Major Contribution, February 5, 2012 On the very last page of the book I learn that the author received the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award for Grassroots Journalism, for his coverage of the 2008 market meltdown. This confirms my own already formed very high estimation of the …

David Swanson: Military Spending Going UP Not Down

Panetta: Military Spending Is Going Up By David Swanson On Thursday, Leon Panetta held a press conference announcing what he called “cuts” to military spending.  The first question following his remarks pointed out that the “cuts” are to dream budgets, while the actual spending will be increased over Panetta’s 10-year plan. Is there any year, …

Mini-Me: Out-Sourcing Drug War – Without Honor

Huh? Pentagon Transfers War on Drugs to Private Mercenaries Including Blackwater Eric Blair Activist Post Since the drug war has become so unpopular with the electorate, instead of politicians actually changing the drug laws, the Department of Defense seeks to reduce and conceal the real costs by transferring the “dirty work” to private contractors to …