Review: The Things They Cannot Say: Stories Soldiers Won’t Tell You About What They’ve Seen, Done or Failed to Do in War

5.0 out of 5 stars ABSORBING — An Essential Reading for Citizens and Soliders, February 4, 2013 I did a very detailed review of the author’s first book, In the Hot Zone and I recommend that book as well as this one. They are different books and complement one another. The first book is about …

DefDog: Shields and Brooks Condemn Senators — and Hagel — for a New Low in Hearings — PLUS 3 Big Ideas White House & Hagel’s People Don’t “Get”…

Senators irresponsible, Hagel unprepared and lacking any upfront vision to shape the encounter. Shields and Brooks on Hagel’s Rough Hearing, Movement on Immigration EXTRACT JUDY WOODRUFF: Well, speaking of secretary of defense, Chuck Hagel, who, David, the president wants to be the secretary of defense, hearing yesterday, confirmation hearing before the Senate, pretty rough going. …

Mini-Me: One View of AIPAC Poodle Show (Hagel Hearing), Word Count Assessment — Israel and Iran Over and Over No Substance

Huh? Hagel confirmation hearing turns into the AIPAC Poodle Show … by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor                           …  Press TV It was an embarrassing day to be an American last Friday. The Founding Fathers are turning over in their graves, once again. I knew it was coming, but it was worse than I expected. AIPAC …

Mini-Me: Sandy Hook a Complete DHS Fake? Substantial Compilation of Actors, Drills, No Real Blood, Database Conflicts, Etcetera….1.1

Huh? The Nexus of Tyranny: The Strategy Behind Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook By Dennis Cimino (with Jim Fetzer) Veterans Today, 30 January 2013 Sandy Hook poses so many uncertainties and even contradictions that it should come as no surprise that virtually every aspect of whatever happened is being subjected to the most minute scrutiny. …

Virginia Abernathy: Let the Banks Fail, Put Them in Jail, Stop Screwing the Citizens So Government Can Rake in 5% Kick-Backs at the Political Level!

Last Lap Dance for the Bankers – Iceland Speaks Let the banks go down says Olafur Grimsson at the World Economic Forum in Davos [Editors Note: Virginia is retired from the Vanderbilt University Medical School and at Harvard’s before that. She has been a long time American Heritage activist, and has spent many years fighting …

Marcus Aurelius: The Force — How Much Military is Enough?

The Force: How much military is enough? by Jill Lepore New Yorker, January 28, 2013 Sixty-two legislators sit on the House Armed Services Committee, the largest committee in Congress. Since January, 2011, when Republicans took control of the House, the committee has been chaired by Howard P. McKeon, who goes by Buck. He has never …