The Nexus of Tyranny: The Strategy Behind Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook
By Dennis Cimino (with Jim Fetzer)
Veterans Today, 30 January 2013
Sandy Hook poses so many uncertainties and even contradictions that it should come as no surprise that virtually every aspect of whatever happened is being subjected to the most minute scrutiny. I have now published multiple articles about it here at Veterans Today, including “Sandy Hook: Huge Hoax and anti-Gun ‘Psy Op’”, where others, such as historian of science and expert on 7/7, Nicholas Kollerstrom, have addressed the parallels between those events. On one web site, I have even been asked by a serious but skeptical reader whether it is even possible that none of the children were actually killed.
The question is not as unwarranted as most of the public might believe. If this had been a real shooting of children, there would have been a sense of panic and of hysteria. EMTs would have rushed into the school building. The children would have been rushed out on stretchers and into ambulances and other vehicles and rushed to a hospital for doctors to treat them and formally pronounce the death of those who had been killed. Nothing remotely like this happened. The police cordoned off everyone from the school. No one was allowed to see the bodies. They were transported in the dead of night. It was simply bizarre beyond belief. A resourceful student has turned up visual evidence that Sandy Hook was not even an operating school, which, if she is right, discloses the stunning enormity of the hoax:
YouTube (7:02) Sandy Hook was not an operating school? Comparison of schools on Bing map
These considerations already indicate that Sandy Hook was a fabricated or staged event. I wish it were not the case, but that conclusion is reinforced by multiple peculiarities about photographs and other matters, extending to conflicting reports about whether the alleged shooter, Adam Lanza, was a student at the school or not; whether his mother was a teacher there or not; police radio reports in real time of two perps heading toward the reporting officer, one of whom was apprehended, the other fled into the woods and was tracked in helicopter footage. Concern that this is an elaborate “psy op” to create hysteria in the hearts of the American people and bring about a stampede of public support for the confiscation of every semi-automatic weapon in the country, as Sen. Diane Feinstein’s bill would impose, are open to serious question in light of the discovery that, in the Social Security Death Index, Adam Lanza is reported to have died on the 13th, the day before the “massacre”:
Read full article with more links and videos — includes photographic evidence of other hoaxes.
Phi Beta Iota: We have no direct knowledge. From indirect knowledge, there appears to be able evident to warrant hearings and ample evidence to indict key individuals. It is entirely possible that Israeli contractors were used, and that the seven actual deaths were associated with a pedophile ring cover up. All we know for sure is that the truth is not being shared with the public.
NEW 2013-02-03 Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theories Debunked? No
See Also:
Berto Jongman: Sandy Hook Reprise — What? + Plus Lack of Truth in USA RECAP
Mini-Me: Sandy Hook Massacre — Still Conflicted