Bin Laden Show 29: Wikipedia 75% Summary

//F-6 INFO//F-6 INFO//F-6 INFO// Death of Osama bin Laden From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Operation Neptune’s Spear) Phi Beta Iota: Assuredly worth a look.  Well-organized but probably developed by CIA sock-puppets, gives almost no attention to the so-called conspiracy theories and completely misses, among many other important counter-factuals, Dr. Dr. Steve Pieczenik (BLS …

Bin Laden Show 17: From Insane to Preposterous

Headlines Only: Rashard Mendenhall fired by Champion over Osama bin Laden tweets Bin Laden, two others didn’t fire on SEALs: sources Captured wife relives bin Laden’s life in mansion Crashed Copter Sparks Concern About Secrets Military interrogators: Waterboarding didn’t yield tips that led to bin Laden Osama bin Laden death: Intelligence reveals US rail threat …

Bin Laden Show 09: NIGHTWATCH Review

North Korea, India Reaction, Pakistan, Special Comment with Two Sources, Al Qaeda-US, Taliban Source: Asia Times, 3 May 2011, The Life and Death of Osama Bin Laden Source: Washington Post, 3 May 2011, Bin Laden discovered ‘hiding in plain sight’

Bin Laden Show Part 03: Fox News Take

1.  Waterboarding produced the first “lead”–waterboarding is good, this is the silver bullet on waterboarding. 2.  Intelligence Community nailed it, over the years, and finally did this without Pakistani assistance to include surveilling the courier in what is the equivalent of a denied area. 3.  Bin Laden’s presence so close to the military academy in …

Right-Sizing the US Military–Doug Macgregor

Although there are important elements I disagree with — in some cases strenuously — US Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor (Ret.) has written an important piece on the fundamental changes and massive budget reductions that are needed to improve America’s ability to survive into the future. Macgregor gets the three essentials right, I believe: 1) the …