Berto Jongman: #GoogleGestapo – Over 400 Censored Links

Bookmark This: Over 400 Links Google Doesn’t Want You To Visit The war on truth has reached a fever pitch as Google has made it their mission to annihilate the independent media. The ‘New Media’ lead by the likes of Infowars, Breitbart, Natural News and many other great independent sites will have an uphill battle when …

Robert Parry: NYT Loves #GoogleGestapo — Cheers Algorithms That Kill Information NYT Does Not Like [While Protecting Fake News Approved by the Deep State]

NYT Cheers the Rise of Censorship Algorithms The New York Times is cheering on the Orwellian future for Western “democracy” in which algorithms quickly hunt down and eliminate information that the Times and other mainstream outlets don’t like, reports Robert Parry. Since the Times is a member of the Google-funded First Draft Coalition – along …

Mongoose: #GoogleGestapo Folds in Digital Assassination of Natural News, We Still Need a Racketeering Investigation Against Eric Schmidt, Google, Facebook, and Twitter

This is moderately good news. The Independent Media Defeats Google’s Censorship Practices-Natural News Restored One has to remember, that the Independent Media brings the public the truth where the MSM and the social media monopolies obscure the truth and the illegal actions of their benefactors. Mike Adams’ Natural News restored by Goggle after massive takedown …