Robert Steele: Autonomous Internet (Combined with CC & OSEE) Will Bury the Deep State and #GoogleGestapo

The plan… Here in Tokyo with Benjamin Fulford as my mentor-guide, I am meeting people who are going to charge the world. Everything Vladimir Putin is talking about — both a post-Western economic paradigm and a post-Google Internet — is being worked on in pieces. I am especially fascinated by the leaders of the Chinese …

Berto Jongman: Insights into Facebook Content Moderation – #GoogleGestapo Failing with Extreme Content

Three months in hell by Burcu Gültekin Punsmann    What I learned from three months of Content Moderation for Facebook in Berlin At the end of the ramp-up process, a moderator should handle approximately 1300 reports every day which let him/her in average only a few seconds to reach a decision for each report. The …

Event: 3-5 April 2018 Internet Identity Workshop — The Cure for #GoogleGestapo — Help End Amazon, Facebook, Google, MeetUp, Microsoft, Twitter, YouTube, and Wikipedia…

Phi Beta Iota: What this innocuous announcement does not say is that the four rights that this group has been working on for over 20 years are the rights of Anonymity, Identity, Privacy, and Security, at the individual “you own your own data” level, and that they are therefore the anti-thesis to Amazon, Facebook, Google, …

Jan Oberg: #GoogleGestapo – What Is Eric Schmidt Afraid Of That He Must De-Rank Everyone Else?

What makes Google’s Eric Schmidt so afraid? What should he be afraid of? This very powerful corporate leader with a open political orientation has decided – as will be seen 58 seconds into the video – that the Internet and his hugely dominating search engine a) shall cave in to political pressure, b) de-rank at …