Mini-Me: Ebola Wrap-Up — Robert Steele on Alex Jones at 6 PM EST Sunday

Alex Jones Show SUMMARY: At the meta-level, the Ebola crisis is a perfect case study of why the UN (including the out-of-control Specialized Agencies such as the World Health Organization — WHO), the European Union (EU), and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) need their own internal intelligence (decision-support) capabilities, and how corrupt intelligence has …

Robert Steele: Ebola Today – Alex Jones Today UPDATE: Vaccines, Earth Healing

UPDATE 7 OCT 14 to add vaccines and vitamin c, infection and mutation rate, additional references from Berto Jongman, Marcus Aurelius, and Owl. From where I sit, there are four threads to be explored in relation to Ebola; I will be discussing these with Alex Jones at 1 pm EST tomorrow. 01 CDC incompetence and …

Berto Jongman: 9/11 Crime of the Century – Richard Gage on Alex Jones Outlines Progress in Illuminating Truth for the Public

Richard Gage item starts at 12:00 Phi Beta Iota: Richard Gage is an American hero, ten times more valuable than Edward Snowden, himself a hero, because Richard is taking on the entire architecture of false flag government by lies. As we like to observe, “the truth at any cost lowers all other costs.” The truth …

Robert Steele: Barack Obama Mis-Informed, John Brennan a Liar — Van Jones (Crap News Network) and Marc Zuckerberg (Facebook) are All Outright Liars — Fake News is What White House, Mainstream & Social Media Mandarins “Do” UPDATE 2

UPDATE 2: Calls to delay electoral college vote on Trump presidency as 70 members demand Russia hack details UPDATE 1: Sam Biddle at The Intercept: Here’s the Public Evidence Russia Hacked the DNC — It’s Not Enough Here is the “official” narrative from the White House relying on CIA (John Brennan, not the many good …

Jonas E. Alexis: Religious Counterintelligence — Was Freud a Zionist Subversive?

Sigmund Freud, Psychoanalysis, and the War on the West “We are bringing them the plague.” —Sigmund Freud, on his way to America in 1909[1] Like Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud did not base psychoanalysis, which he championed to the entire Western world, on scientific premises. When psychoanalysis came to America, it was largely viewed as an …