Robert Steele in Tehran Times: Trump Peace Plan – Sheer Genius – Israel Gone by 2022

Trump Peace Plan – Sheer Genius – Israel Gone by 2022 TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), contributes regularly to Tehran Times. President Donald Trump is a genius. The “new” Palestine Peace Plan is a promising …

Penguin: Open Source Chips

Intel and Softbank Beware. Open Source Is Coming to the Chip Business After being dismissed by giants like Microsoft Corp. in the 1990s, this expanding body of work has become the foundation of the internet, smartphones and many software applications.  

CENSORED BY #GoogleGestapo: WORLD WAR III: Ukrainian Flight PS752 Western False Flag (Remote Hijacking / Transponder Disabling to Trigger Two Tor-M1 missiles) Update 2: Iran Now Understands This Was a False Flag Cyber Attack

WORLD WAR III: Was Ukrainian flight PS752 a Western false flag combining remote hijacking and transponder disabling to trigger two Tor-M1 missiles? TEHRAN, Jan. 14 (MNA) – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), says the Ukrainian plane incident …

CounterPunch: Andrew Levine on Sanders & The Jewish Question (Judaism is Not Zionism and Zionism is Irreconciliable with Judaism)

Sanders After Corbyn: The Jewish Question It doesn’t help either that what was once deemed “a light unto the nations” has become an international pariah state. How could any right-thinking person, Gentile or Jew, not think of it that way – after the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians living within Israel proper, the imposition of an …