BUCKY 2.0: Y Worlds at VIMEO [Big Data Cross-Cultural Multi-Disciplinary Visualization with World Brain Educational Potential]

Y Worlds – a community in progress organized about ways to better understand, better communicate, and better organize every aspect of our complex lives. This is NOT a tech on tech project. This is totally focused on the humans, on eliciting from each human in the network real-time interaction, and on educating humans one interaction …

BUCKY 2.0: Cosmic Definitions (Cultural Shorthand)

CA “SHORTHAND” WORDS/PHRASES (38 total) 5/30/12 As with all our pursuits, this document intends to help peel back layers of specific cultural misinformation conditioning/distortion/manipulation that has essentially forced our culture into behaviors quite opposite of natural/healthy choices that would otherwise be made, spontaneously. These phrases are sort of our “jargon” to simplify communication, understanding, and …

BUCKY 2.0: Cosmic Quotes

Following are some poignant quotes that might be considered a backdrop for our Cosmically Adequate (CA) consideration/pursuit/exploration: R. Buckminster Fuller 45 quotes Daniel Quinn 37 quotes Alex Gerber 22 quotes Mary Baker Eddy 20 quotes David Brower 14 quotes Jean Liedloff  10 quotes Robert Fritz 6 quotes Alan Weisman  5 quotes Pete Carroll 4 quotes …

Steele on Reality, Intelligence, Ethics, & Solutions [Yale, 6 February 2014]

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/Steele-Yale-6 On Thursday 6 February 2014 from 1800-1930, Robert Steele will address a group of undergraduates convened by Yale Politic. The event is free, open to the public without RSVP required, and the media has been invited. Yale University, Branford College Trumbull Room 74 High Street New Haven, CT 06511 Downloadable PPT (30 …

Reflections on the Future of Information Technology – An Open Letter

SHORTCUT: http://tinyurl.com/2014-Open-Letter This started out as an a letter to the collective leadership of a very promising open source software company, took a side step toward Microsoft, and finally made the leap here as a general open reference. Earth Intelligence Network, A Virginia Non-Profit (501c3) Corporation, is seeking endowed alliances that might wish to advance …

Jon Rappoport: Individual versus the State – “Psychological Operations” Since WWII — Is manipulating really better than educating and informating? Who benefits?

The individual vs. the planned society At the outbreak of World War 2, the Council on Foreign Relations began making plans for the post-war world. The question it posed was this: could America exist as a self-sufficient nation, or would it have to go outside its borders for vital resources? Predictably, the answer was: imperial …