Answers on OSINT for India 3 – OSINT & Denied Areas

Sir, kindly guide on – 1- How can OSINT ops be successively conducted on closed information states like China or North Korea? (Attaching a file I had downloaded) 2- Is the information that China generally makes public through its stare-run agencies reliable and sufficient? 3- Is there any research paper or unclassified information over the …

Robert Steele: Core Building Block for Web 3.0 – SORA Decentralized Blockchain Ecology

I have started assembling the top twelve minds for the creation of Web 3.0. This was written by one of the twelve. The SORA Parliament Sora XOR Multi-body sortition allows for collusion- and censorship-resistant governance Unlike many other blockchain networks and societies that use token voting, SORA will utilize multi-body sortition in order to govern …