ANSWERS Robert Steele for a Professor Thinking About How Intelligence Should Access Outside Experts

The IC inability to leverage external expertise is rooted in a number of factors: 01 arrogance and insularity centered on believing that only stolen secrets matter 02 lack of structures, funding, and mind-sets for external exploitation of experts on all topics in all languages and mediums — this includes the obvious cut-outs to conceal the …

Robert Steele: Coronavirus (and 5G) are a Counterintelligence Challenge — Has President Given the Orders? UPDATE: Ben Fulford Says Yes…

Today I am worried about the re-seeding of the biowarfare version of the coronavirus in a deliberate attempt by the Deep State and its Zionist underbelly to undermine the election of Donald  Trump, continue to profit from massive insider trading, and under cover of the corona virus, assassinate hundreds if not thousands of pesky anti-Zionists …

Phil Giraldi: Draining the Intelligence Community Swamp – New Hires Will All Be Israel’s Poodles

Draining the Intelligence Community Swamp New hires will all be Israel’s poodles Whitney Webb of Mint Press News has explored the depth of Grenell’s engagement with Israel and with Zionist individuals and groups in the United States. There is already a very top-heavy presence of Israel advocates in a Trump administration that has already proven …

Robert Steele @ Amazon: NATO 2040 – Intelligence (Decision-Support) as Root for Transformation (Trump Revolution Book 50)

Steele, Robert, NATO 2040: Intelligence (Decision-Support) as Root for Transformation (Amazon CreateSpace, Earth Intelligence Network, 2020) It may be counterintuitive, but the Presidency of Donald J. Trump is potentially the best thing that could have happened if the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is to “rebalance” and transform, reaching 2040 with four major force configurations, …