Matt Ehret: Hyperinflation & History – UK As Heart of the Deep State Then and Now

Living Under the Spectre of Hyperinflation: 1923 Weimar and Today Just as the British oligarchy managed the war, so too did they organize the reparations conference in France which, among other things, imposed impossible debt repayments upon a defeated Germany and created the League of Nations which was meant to become the instrument for a …

Unz Review: DHS Funding Programs to Eradicate Patriot Communications

The Department of Homeland Security Is Paying Deranged Leftists to Find A Way to Make You Change Your Political Beliefs Fresh off a summer of prolonged murder and arson organized by leftists, the Department of Homeland Security announced the lucky winners of its “domestic terrorism prevention” grant system last September. One recipient program is at …

Matt Ehret: What the Great Reset Architects Don’t Want You To Understand About Economics

What the Great Reset Architects Don’t Want You To Understand About Economics Let me just state outright: That while the coronavirus may in fact be the catalyzer for the oncoming financial blowout, it is the height of stupidity to believe that it is the cause, as the seeds of the crisis goes deeper and originated …

Matt Ehret: New NORAD Warfare Strategies and Canada’s Role in the Great Game Revisited

New NORAD Warfare Strategies and Canada’s Role in the Great Game Revisited As relations between the USA and Russia continue to fall ever deeper into the abyss, and as China’s Belt and Road Initiative continues to evolve deep into the Eurasian Arctic via the Polar Silk Road, a new era of potential for cooperation as …

Matt Ehret: Today’s China Espionage Scandals Revive the Gouzenko Hoax That Unleashed the Cold War

Today’s China Espionage Scandals Revive the Gouzenko Hoax That Unleashed the Cold War Over the past weeks, a surge in slanderous, and often conjectural stories of Chinese subversion has repeatedly been fed to a gullible western audience desperate for an enemy image to attach to their realization that an obvious long-term conspiracy has been unleashed …