Mini-Me: JFK Assassination Cover-Up Unravels Further + RECAP

Huh? Photographic Evidence of Bullet Hole in JFK Limousine Windshield ‘Hiding in Plain Sight’ by Douglas P. Horne, June 4, 2012 In 2009, I believed I had discovered new evidence in the JFK assassination never reported by anyone else: convincing photography of the through-and-through bullet hole in the windshield of the JFK limousine that …

Mini-Me: TSA Cost $1.2 Billion a Year, Harming Air Travel Volume, Killing 1,200 a Year on the Roads

It is not possible to micro-manage security.  Only the corrupt think this is possible. TSA wastes $1.2 billion a year and causes 1,200 unnecessary deaths annually by Mark Skousen Human Events, 24 January 2012 The TSA is rapidly becoming the #2 most hated government agency in the world, behind the IRS. . . . . …