Answers: Steele for NATO Strategic Foresight

My preliminary contributions to the NATO Strategic Foresight Online Workshop. I have no appointment or connection to NATO or the Transformation Command. This workshop is open to the public without restriction. Characteristics of the Future Threats & Possibilities Economic Considerations Environmental Considerations Human Considerations I & II Political Considerations Technology Considerations Strategic Foresight I & …

NATO Strategic Foresight Invitation to Participate

The Innovation Hub Staff of the NATO Transformation Command in Norfolk, Virginia, invites all who might wish to join the online hub and actively participate brainstorming discussions about what significant changes can be expected over the next fifteeen years in world politics, economics, environment, technology, and human affairs. The online activities will culminate in a …

Berto Jongman: Will US Collapse Soon? Robert Steele: Should EU Be Thinking About Post-US NATO?

Unthinkable: Brazilian Journalist Mulls Soviet-Style Collapse of US Citing a series of geopolitical, economic and social setbacks faced by the United States since the turn of the century, geopolitical analyst and Sao Paulo Business School Professor Antonio Gelis-Filho argues that global policy planners must prepare to deal with the “improbable, but by all means possible, …

Antechinus: Ukraine Selling NATO Weapons UPDATE 1

On the first day of the negotiations in Minsk a bill to “provide lethal weapons to the Government of Ukraine in order to defend itself against Russian-backed rebel separatists in eastern Ukraine” was introduced in the US Congress. Its sponsor, Sen. James Inhofe, understands that Kiev will inevitably violate the cease-fire and that Washington will soon …

Yoda: Russia Declares NATO The Main Enemy

New Russian Military Doctrine Labels NATO as Main Threat Moscow, Russia:  The Kremlin on Friday branded the expansion of NATO as a fundamental threat to Russia in a revised military doctrine that dramatically reflects deteriorating relations with the West.