Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo – Dealing with “Deplorable” Content — Google Decides, Badly, without Legal Due Process Never Mind the First Amendment…

Revealing the Google Relevance Sins I was surprised to read “Google’s Project Owl”. Talk about unintended consequences. An SEO centric publication reported that Google was going to get on the stick and smite fake news and “problematic content.” (I am not sure what “problematic content” is because I think a person’s point of view influences …

Robert Steele: Augmented Intelligence with Human-Machine Integrity – Future-Oriented Hybrid Governance Integrating Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE)

Augmented Intelligence with Human-Machine Integrity: Future-Oriented Hybrid Governance Integrating Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) UPDATE: PDF (26 Pages): Chapter Steele on Augmented Intelligence as Published Full Text of Author’s Final Draft (Pre-Editing) Below the Fold

Luke K. C. Leighton: The Open Source Way

The proposed Open Source (Technologies) Agency outlines an innovative coordination of nine open technology groups, the simultaneous funding of which is intended to improve the quality of life for all world citizens, thus completely eliminating the root cause of criminal and terrorist behavioral development: poverty in all its forms. The United States is the de-facto world leader …

KINDLE: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Done Right: An Indictment of 25 years of expensive passive failure

This briefing has been funded and approved for delivery in its present form, in April 2016, to the military, police, and national intelligence services of Denmark. It was also presented in Norway, but less formally. As NATO and a number of countries “re-think” Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), this briefing and the related white paper, should …

Jon Rappoport: Cartels of the Mind – the Official Narratives Unravel…

Cartels of the Mind: a movie that never was “Dominoes of the collective begin to fall. The whole rotting structure begins to collapse, a wing here and a wing there, and the robots open their eyes and turn off their cameras.” If you can’t see the background of a crime, you aren’t seeing the crime, you’re …

Robert Steele: Open Letter to Mr. James Comey, FBI Director, on Indicting Hillary Clinton and Telling the Truth About Orlando UPDATE: Impeach Comey?

SHORT URL: NEW 6 July 2016: Universal condemnation of James Comey, the putative director of the FBI without an ounce of moral or intellectual gravity. James Comey Sells Out FBI Director’s cowardly decision will go down as one of the government’s worst assaults on truth Austin Bay, Observer