The Open Source Everything Manifesto: Chapter 1 Open Sesame Extract II

Chapter 1 Open Sesame Extract II Panarchy is an ideal condition in which every individual would be connected to all relevant information and able to participate in every decision of interest to them, from local to global.  Panarchy thus represents direct democracy within a nonhierarchical, open-source context.  In the ideal state of panarchy, every citizen …

Event: 13-14 July NYC Robert Steele Live at Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE)

30 Minutes:  Robert Steele: How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny – Last Call for Occupy/* Not to be outdone by Jello Biafra, Robert Steele ran for President in 2012.  Accepted by the Reform Party as a candidate, he tested the boundaries for six weeks, created a world-class presidential platform, a coalition cabinet, …

Review: The Zen Leader – 10 Ways to Go From Barely Managing to Leading Fearlessly

Ginny Whitelaw 5.0 out of 5 stars 6 Stars, Spectacularly SImple, Foundation Book for Epoch B Collective Self-Governance,May 21, 2012 I’ve been a driven over-achiever most of my life, and only started emerging from the “because I said so” culture so characteristic of the Marine Corps and the Central Intelligence Agency, when I realized in …

Mini-Me: Cosmic Channeler Anticipates Major Natural Disaster Near Term on West Coast

Huh? Posted on May 19, 2012 Cosmic Paradigm Alert Greeting, my name is Bren-Ton. Those of us aboard Athabantian wish to convey the following. We believe that a major geological event for your planet may occur within the next few days. It will be centered off the Northwestern coast of the United States. It is …

Review: The Leaderless Revolution – How Ordinary People Will Take Power and Change Politics in the 21st Century

Carne Ross 4.0 out of 5 stars 5 for Superficial Overview, 3 for Pretense, May 13, 2012 It is unfortunate that Amazon’s superb “Look Inside the Book” has been limited by the publisher to only the introduction, as I would like the potential buyer to have a much greater feel for the book that the …

Review: Polarity Management – Identifying and Managing Unsolvable Problems

Barry Johnson 5.0 out of 5 stars Much Less Complicated Than Expected, a Great Workbook,April 16, 2012 Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?) I bought this back in December 2011 when I was scrounging around for books on panarchy (see for instance, Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems. It stayed in my pile as other …