J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week 34 – Red Flag the Red Flag Laws

American Gray Swans – Week 34 – Red Flag the Red Flag Laws There is much debate over the Red Flag Laws, so let us disassemble it and look. The Red Flag Law basically is being claimed to protect society by taking firearms out of the hands of potentially dangerous people. This sounds good on …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week 32 – The Epstein Debacle

American Gray Swans – Week 32 – The Epstein Debacle Dam, I did not want to discuss this scum of humanity in the Gray Swans, but it is a good example of a Multi Dimensional Chess Game playing out. Whatever actually happened, whether he committed suicide, was hit, was removed, was exchanged, was cloned, or …

Mongoose: Could Modern Science Hit Unethical Companies Hard? Can a Public Demand for the Truth at Any Cost Stop 5G?

Modern Science Could Hit Unethical Companies Where It Hurts The underhanded tactics Monsanto and other chemicals makers use to hide the dangers in products like Roundup are perfectly legal. But it’s getting harder to keep the mounting evidence secret. Phi Beta Iota: Worth a look but hypocritical in that academia and media have been happy to be …