Arno Reuser: 27-29 JAN The Hague OSINT Pathfinder VII Training Program

ROBERT STEELE: Arnold Reuser is the undisputed master. He is one of a  tiny handful of people (Ran Hock, Babette Bensoussan are others) who actually know what they are doing and are also ethical in the deepest sense of the word. I cannot over-state his value. OSINT Pathfinder VII training programme Full three day training …

Robert Steele: Reflections on the Next Data Revolution

I was  glad to respond to an invitation to write “Beyond Data Monitoring,” a Background Paper for the UN International Expert Advisory Group (IEAG) on the Data Revolution, co-chaired by Robin Li of Baidu, which is good, with Open Source represented by Tim “algorithms rule” O’Reilly, which is bad. Although the paper gained no traction …

Yoda: Financial Times Loves Google — But Will This Love Keep Google Going?

FT interview with Google co-founder and CEO Larry Page Even the search engine’s original mission is not big enough for what he now has in mind Page estimates that only about 50 investors are chasing the real breakthrough technologies that have the potential to make a material difference to the lives of most people on …

UN Paper: Beyond Data Monitoring – Achieving the Sustainability Development Goals Through Intelligence (Decision-Support) Integrating Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything

SHORT URL: Beyond Data Monitoring – Achieving the Sustainability Development Goals Through Intelligence (Decision-Support) Integrating Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, and Open Source Everything BACKGROUND RESEARCH PAPER Submitted to the High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda DOC (23 Pages): Beyond Data Monitoring 3.4 See Also: 2014 Robert Steele Applied Collective Intelligence 2014 …

Berto Jongman: Harvard to Journal Publishers – Piss Off! Open Access Here We Come…

Harvard University says it can’t afford journal publishers’ prices University wants scientists to make their research open access and resign from publications that keep articles behind paywalls Exasperated by rising subscription costs charged by academic publishers, Harvard University has encouraged its faculty members to make their research freely available through open access journals and to …