Mongoose: Is Israel Going to Carry Out a Wave of False Flag Attacks Against US Bases in Middle Easts?

The source websites are compromised (create security issues for home machines of visitors) and we will not point to  them. The Israelis are claiming they are hacking into ISIS web sites and seeing “proof” that ISIS is planning attacks on US military bases in the Middle East. Remembering that the Israelis are very skilled at …

Mongoose: Is General Philip Breedlove a Traitor?

Way, way off out of his assigned lane, seeking to incite war without cause. Dangerous Propaganda: Network Close To NATO Military Leader Fueled Ukraine Conflict Working with dubious sourcing, a group close to NATO’s chief military commander Philip Breedlove sought to secure weapons deliveries for Ukraine, a trove of newly released emails revealed. The efforts served to …

Mongoose: Is Donald Trump a Naked Lying Fraud? The Ghost Author of “The Art of the Deal” Tells All

Kudos to Jane Mayer of the New Yorker for teasing out this provocative story. Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All “The Art of the Deal” made America see Trump as a charmer with an unfailing knack for business. Tony Schwartz helped create that myth—and regrets it. “I put lipstick on a pig,” [Tony Schwartz] said. “I …

Mongoose: Northrup Grumman Screws Up a $13 Billion Dollar New Carrier — Indictable Crimes?

Being stupid on government time used to be a court-martial offense, at least in the “old (Marine) Corps.” Northrup Grumman will probably not be indicted — and they probably should be… US Navy’s newest $12.9bn supercarrier doesn’t work: Most expensive warship ever built ‘struggles with jets taking off and landing’ according to internal memo as …

Mongoose: Turkey’s Fake Coup? False Flag to Purge Military & Judges? Foreign Allies Re-Boot Against US & Pro-Russia?

Turkey Accuses US Of Being Behind Military Coup, Demands Extradition Of Cleric Gulen “Once these operations are completed, we will continue our fight against Daesh (Islamic State) with either coalition nations, or within the NATO framework, and resume our cooperation with NATO,” Cavusoglu said. TURKEY: Sibel Edmonds Dissects the Turkey Coup Attempt: A CIA-Gulen Concocted …