Journal: How NOT to Decide on Afghanistan

The Real Reason for More Troops in Afghanistan Michael Gaddy    October 20, 2009Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of our quest for empire over the past six decades realizes that Obama’s contemplation of whether to send additional troops to Afghanistan is simply those who control him providing Obama with the opportunity to look “presidential.” The decision …

Review: Peak Everything: Waking Up to the Century of Declines

Excellent Primer, Narrowly Focused, Provokes Reflection October 16, 2009 Richard Heinberg I was tempted to limit this book to four stars because it fails to properly recognize, among many others, Buckminster Fuller, e.g. his Critical Path and it provides only passing reference to such foundation works as Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update and Human …

Journal: The New “Cold War” Pakistan vs India, Many vs. Israel

Taliban claim Afghan bomb, say [Indian] embassy was target KABUL – The Taliban have claimed responsibility for Thursday’s suicide car bomb in the Afghan capital, saying their target was the Indian Embassy. Phi Beta Iota: India’s hands are not clean.  There are ample reports of India offering safe-haven bases for cross-border terrorism into Pakistan, and …

Journal: Shrinking Arctic ice will stretch a shrinking U.S. Navy

Small Wars Journal By Robert Haddick August 7, 2009 Climate change and reduced sea ice cover may result in opening up the Arctic to vastly increased resource development and commercial traffic. These trends will inevitably spark international conflicts and create a need for more military forces to provide security and protect interests in the Arctic …