NIGHTWATCH: Revolution 2.0 Round-Up

Bahrain-Arab League, Arab League, Yemen, Yemen-Saudi Arabia, Libya, US, France, Coalition Update, Rumania, The Netherlands, Germany (withdraws). Phi Beta Iota: Don’t miss the observation on pan-Arab desire for the nuclear bomb and Arab dictator harmony against the Persian/Iranian/Shi’ites.  The observation on untrainable mobs also merits note–dictators (and faux democratic tyrannies) favor stupid uneducated publics–transitioning from …

Guest Post: Analysis of the Global Insurrection Against Neo-Liberal Economic Domination and the Coming American Rebellion

Guest Post: Analysis of the Global Insurrection Against Neo-Liberal Economic Domination and the Coming American Rebellion Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/26/2011 20:53 -0500 If you think what’s happening in Egypt won’t happen within the United States, you’ve been watching too much TV. The statistics speak for themselves. In previous Revolution Roundups, before we were …

Review: How to Run the World–Charting a Course to the Next Renaissance

Parag Khanna Extraordinary Personal Effort, Constrained by Publisher February 21, 2011 I received a copy of this book at my request from the author himself (I am unemployed, and globally available). I gave the author’s first book, The Second World: How Emerging Powers Are Redefining Global Competition in the Twenty-first Century, a five star leaning …

extraterrestrial Disclosures Increase….

2 February 2011 World business leaders told flying saucers are real & extraterrestrials exist Might Extraterrestrial Intelligence Sway Religious Beliefs? NASA’s Kepler Mission Discovers Earth-like Planets Extraterrestrials now live among us in China and in U.S.A., newspapers report See Also: