Journal: ClimateGate 14 Dec 09 Morning

Developing countries boycott UN climate talks COPENHAGEN – China, India and other developing nations boycotted U.N. climate talks Monday, bringing negotiations to a halt with their demand that rich countries discuss much deeper cuts in their greenhouse gas emissions. “We are seeing the death of the Kyoto Protocol,” said Djemouai Kamel of Algeria, the head …

Journal: ClimateGate 8 Dec 09 Afternoon

UN climate conference faces four obstacles: Chinese official This conference cannot end with hollow commitments of developed countries, which cannot be fulfilled like its predecessors. “China’s position on this issue is very clear — the Bali Roadmap must be fully respected,” said Xie. Therefore, it is not necessary for the voluntary emission reduction actions taken …

Journal: ClimateGate, Copenhagen, Integrity

Climategate: Science Is Dying  (WS) The East Anglians’ mistreatment of scientists who challenged global warming’s claims—plotting to shut them up and shut down their ability to publish—evokes the attempt to silence Galileo. The exchanges between Penn State’s Michael Mann and East Anglia CRU director Phil Jones sound like Father Firenzuola, the Commissary-General of the Inquisition. …