Review: Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops: A History of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies and Psychological Operations

Jospeh P. Farrell 5.0 out of 5 stars This is an Information Operations / Counterintelligence Hidden Gem, December 23, 2012 The cover does this book a dis-service. This is a SERIOUS book that should be used in serious courses of instruction for both Information Operations (IO) and Counterintelligence (CI). The book lacks an index, a …

David Isenberg: Deep Web Research and Discovery Resources 2013

Deep Web Research and Discovery Resources 2013 By Marcus P. Zillman, Published on December 18, 2012 (Law and Technology Resources for Legal Professionals) Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators ( is a keynote presentation that I have been delivering over the last several years, and much of my information comes from the extensive research that …

Review: Against Security: How We Go Wrong at Airports, Subways, and Other Sites of Ambiguous Danger

Harvey Molotch 4.0 out of 5 stars Theatrically Naive in Its Own Way But Recommended, December 15, 2012 I’m the former spy and honorary hacker who sounded the alarm on cyber-security in 1994 and who questioned every aspect of the Department of Homeland Security, pointing out that the joint fusion centers would be a waste …

Review: Poor Economics – A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty

Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo 4.0 out of 5 stars Serious Economics Poorly Presented, December 14, 2012 I have no doubt that among economists this book merits all the praise it has received; I do NOT recommend it for the general reader, indeed, I do not recommend it at all unless it is assigned reading, …

Penguin: Larry WIlkerson Skeptical About Politicization (aka Fabrication) of Syrian Chemical Weapons Reports

Former Powell adviser ‘skeptical’ of ‘politicized’ US intelligence on Syria RT, 08 December, 2012 Syria will never use chemical weapons against its own people, Lawrence Wilkerson, a retired US Army Colonel who was Chief of Staff to Colin Powell told RT. Instead, the reality is that US is “preparing the ground to intervene in Syria.” …

Lynn Wheeler: Fukushima Lies Continue

Deception Confirmed by UN Government and Industry Still Denying Science at Fukushima John LaForge CounterPunch, 5 December 2012 EXTRACT Disinformation and denials confounded by science Official lullabies, denials and attempted cover-ups are desperate shields against the enormous economic and legal liability that would follow any acknowledgment of the depth and breadth of radiation’s likely effects. …