Journal: 21 Years Late, An Inkling of Discovery

Military Launches Afghanistan Intelligence-Gathering Mission By Joshua Partlow KABUL — On their first day of class in Afghanistan, the new U.S. intelligence analysts were given a homework assignment. First read a six-page classified military intelligence report about the situation in Spin Boldak, a key border town and smuggling route in southern Afghanistan. Then read a …

Review : Global Shift–How A New Worldview Is Transforming Humanity

Phenomenal Integration of Ideas–Superb “Once Over” February 10, 2010 [final review 21 February 2010] Edmund J. Bourne I have sent INTELLIGENCE for EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainaabilty to the printer and it is on that foundation that I highly recommend this book for a simple easy to understand overview of the fifteen converging forces …

Journal: Potential End to Two-Party Monopoly

Disillusioned Bayh advocates electoral “shock” to broken system In an interview on MSNBC this morning, newly retiring Sen. Evan Bayh declared the American political system “dysfunctional,” riddled with “brain-dead partisanship” and permanent campaigning. Flatly denying any possibility that he’d seek the presidency or any other higher office, Bayh argued that the American people needed to …

Review: The Bhagavad Gita–A Walkthrough for Westerners

Speak the Truth, Lose the Anger, Be Part of the Whole February 10, 2010 Jack Hawley It took me fifty years to recognize the deficiencies of the command and control or top down elite-dominated model of governance, and to discover the spiritual and practical integrity of collective intelligence, openness, appreciative inquirty, deliberative public dilaog, and …

Journal: NIGHTWATCH Extract France & Citizenship

NIGHTWATCH HOME.  France: For the record. Prime Minister Francois Fillon said on 3 February he would sign a decree barring a Moroccan man from receiving French citizenship because of his insistence that his French wife conform to the strictest Islamic practices. Fillon said that the man “has no place in our country.” The French authorities …