Robert Steele: 12% of Sandernistas Voted for Trump on Election Day — How Many More Would Cross Over if Trump Sponsored Election Reform Act and Embraced Cynthia McKinney?

Here’s How Many Bernie Sanders Supporters Ultimately Voted For Trump — Fully 12 percent of people who voted for Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., in the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries voted for President Trump in the general election. That is according to the data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study — a massive election survey of …

Trump Pardons Apario — Justice is Done!

Trump pardons former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, says he was ‘worthy … Aug 25, 2017 · President Donald Trump has pardoned former sheriff Joe Arpaio following his conviction for intentionally disobeying a judge’s order in an immigration case….  Chicago Tribune The real reason Arpaio was targeted was that he was prominent figure in uncovering Obama’s false …

Robert Steele: The Syrian Missile Attack — Theatrics & House Cleaning? False Flag Attack Organized by McCain, Brennan, McMaster, Funded by Saudi Arabia and Israel? (Trump Revolution 10)

The Syrian Missile Attack –Theatrics & House Cleaning? The outrage across America over the US missile attack against a Syrian air base is universal – only the Zionists and their increasingly desperate neo-conservative fellow travelers are happy. It is clearly understood by the US public at large that the so-called sarin gas attack was a …

Antechinus: Russians Slam US Version of Syrian Chemical Weapons Event — Will John McCain, John Brennan, and Herbert McMaster be Held Accountable (with Saudi Arabia and Israel)?

Russian Foreign Ministry Slams Western Version Of Syrian Chemical Weapons Issue The Russian Federation has invariably held the unequivocal and straightforward position that any use of chemical weapons by anyone is absolutely unacceptable under any circumstances, and those responsible for such crimes must be held accountable. EXTRACTS

SPECIAL: Donald Trump in Enemy Hands — Syria Causus Belli is Utter Crap

America Illegally Bombs Syria Under False Pretexts. Links for critical thinking. *“…the White Helmets are handling the corpses of people without sufficient safety gear, most particularly with the masks mostly used , as well as no gloves. Although this may seem insignificant, understanding the nature of sarin gas that the opposition claim was used, only …

Antechinus: Richard Falk — Anger Over My UN Apartheid Report Shows Israeli Weakness on the Facts of the Matter in Relation to Palestine

Richard Falk: The anger at my UN ‘apartheid’ report shows Israel’s weakness Denunciations of the report by the recently designated American ambassador at the UN, Nikki Haley, and by the firebrand Israeli diplomat, Danny Danon among others, is part of a trend in recent years in which supporters of Israel move to close down critical …