4th Media: We Don’t Make This Stuff Up! — Occupy as a Form of Rising Anarchism

The New Politics of the 21st Century: Global Resistance and Rising Anarchism A number of occurrences have taken place of the past 13 years since the rise of the new millennium; we have seen and are seeing the rise of popular movements all over the world and a resistance to the forces of imperialism, capitalism, …

John Maguire: YouTube (15:09) Wireless Scalar Wave Demonstration — and Potential Chinese Harvesting Method – NSA is HOSED

Tesla technologies can revolutionize communications as we know them today. here is demonstrated one example where it outperforms standard electro-magnetic or transverse wave propagation. A German Electrical Engineer operating under the pseudonym TheOldScientist demonstrates the existence of Longitudinal/Scalar Waves. Classical Electromagnetic-Waves are Transverse and can be shielded through the use of a Faraday Cage. L/S Waves on the …

Marcus Aurelius: US Military – To Coup or Not to Coup?

Phi Beta Iota:  This is a long and interesting presentation of two points of view.  In short, the US political system, the upper reaches of the US government, and the US military “clerk-leaders” are an incestuous self-sustaining circle of corruption.  We do not have an “Obama” problem.  We have an Israel / Goldman Sachs / …

Seth Godin: Paradigm Shift toward Cooperation

Coordination Our economy is almost entirely based on a Darwinian competition–many products and services fighting for shelf space and market share and profits. It’s a wasteful process, because success is unpredictable and unevenly distributed. The internet has largely mirrored (and amplified) this competition. eBay, for example, not only pits sellers against one another, it also …

Search: violent comprehensive revolutions are of

Here are the concise references focused on revolution.  For corruption, collective intelligence, open space and other methods of non-violent consensus building and emergence, see the lists at the end of this post. Preconditions of Revolution in the USA Today Search: four preconditions for revolution Search: revolution theory preconditions Here is the bottom line: