Yoda: Pirate Leader Understanding of Why US Invaded Iraq – Over the End of the Dollar as Global Reserve Currency

Good, reality is. Rick is the founder of the first Pirate Party and is a political evangelist, traveling around Europe and the world to talk and write about ideas of a sensible information policy. He has a tech entrepreneur background and loves whisky. While the US invasion of Iraq about a decade ago was based …

David Isenberg: The True Cost (Locally) of Military Strikes Against Iranian Nuclear Targets + Iran Nuclear Meta-RECAP

The Myth of “Surgical Strikes” on Iran By David Isenberg TIME Battleland | October 18, 2012 For all the years that the world has focused on the confrontation between Western nations and Iran, oceans of ink have been spilled over many aspects of its nuclear program — the quantity and quality of its enriched uranium, …

SmartPlanet: Corrupt Government Allows Corporate Socialism – Privatized Profits and Externalized Losses

How corporations are crippling U.S. prosperity By David Worthington | October 15, 2012 A dearth of competition in major U.S. industries and a government that’s policy making has been severely corrupted by moneyed interests has led to depressed wages and stifled innovation, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist says in a new book. In essence, you’re …

Steven Aftergood: DSB Concludes Violent Behavior Cannot be Reliably Predicted – Does Not Address Larger Issue of Extreme Cognitive Dissonance Inspiring Suicides and Random Violence

VIOLENT BEHAVIOR CANNOT BE RELIABLY PREDICTED, PANEL SAYS The outbreak of violence by individuals who seek to harm other persons or institutions cannot be reliably predicted today, the Defense Science Board said in a new report to the Secretary of Defense.  Instead, efforts to counter violence should focus on prevention and mitigation of the threat. …

Review: The Bhagavad Gita – The Original Sanskrit and An English Translation

Lars Martin Fosse 4.0 out of 5 stars Straight Forward But Disappointing for a Lay Reader,October 8, 2012 This book’s special niche is for those who want to read the book in Sanscrit and English at the same time. Perhaps I have been spoiled by the excellence of The The Bhagavad Gita: A Walkthrough for …

Marcus Aurelius: C/JCS Asks SecDef to Forgive General Who Spent Lavishly as Commander of African Command – Starting Point for Reflection

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff apparently figures former AFRICOM commander should get a walk after DoD IG publishes damning report on him.  Read report, too large to e-mail, at link below and form your own conclusions. Strange because MG Ward is not a West Pointer.  Of course, case against toxic leader LTG Patrick …