Michael Moore: Open Letter to President Obama That Misses the Point

An Open Letter to President Obama …from Michael Moore Monday, November 19th, 2012 Dear President Obama: Good luck on your journeys overseas this week, and congratulations on decisively winning your second term as our president! The first time you won four years ago, most of us couldn’t contain our joy and found ourselves literally in …

Berto Jongman: Western-Imperial Violence — Detailed Dismantling of Steven Pinker’s Apologetics

Reality Denial : Steven Pinker’s Apologetics for Western-Imperial Volence By Edward S Herman and David Peterson ZNET, Wednesday, 25 July 2012 It is amusing to see how eagerly the establishment media have welcomed Steven Pinker’s 2011 tome, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined,[1] which explains not only that “violence has been …

Chuck Spinny: USA & Israel, Extrajudicial Killing

Obama’s kill list policy compels US support for Israeli attacks on Gaza The US was once part of the international consensus against extra-judicial assassinations. Now it is a leader in that tactic. Glenn Greenwald. guardian.co.uk, Thursday 15 November 2012 13.23 EST Israel‘s escalating air attacks on Gaza follow the depressingly familiar pattern that shapes this …

Mini-Me: Jane Harman at CIA? Over Many Dead Bodies + CIA RECAP

Huh? Jane Harman and Israeli Spying Possible New CIA Director Already Politically Compromised by ALISON WEIR CounterPunch, November 14, 2012 It is astounding to find that one of the handful of prospects being floated to become CIA director following the fall of General David Petraeus is a person reportedly implicated in a 2005 Israeli spy …

DefDog: Bimbo-Gate Covering Up CIA’s Continuing Use of Proxy Terrorists, Regime Change, and Triad of Drugs, Arms, and Money-Laundering

Open Season indeed.  A seismic shift appears to be occurring, and CIA is the new “best target.”  Below is s summary that represents the “worst-case” view of post Viet-Nam CIA. The Petraeus Affair vs. the CIA’s Long Criminal History By Julie Lévesque Global Research, November 15, 2012 The Petraeus Affair has demonstrated yet again how …

Mini-Me: Bimbo-Gate Sisters Khawam Family Fronted for Sadaam Hussein, Grayson Wolfe DC Insider, Akkadian Private Ventures LLC…

Huh? HAS THE PETRAEUS AFFAIR EXPOSED A BIGGER, DARKER MORE DISGUSTING SCANDAL? The Astute Bloggers, Tuesday, November 13, 2012 Read full post in annoying capital letters. Phi Beta Iota:  Here is the executive summary — none of this has been validated from other sources, but what keeps coming back to us, in relation to both …

Chuck Spinney: Killing America – Government Specifications Cost Plus

Note to readers: this blaster contains two clearly marked inserts that were not in my Time essay.  Also, in introducing Seymour Melman’s important work below, I should have mentioned that it was Melman’s considered belief in the possibility of putting together a political coalition to facilitate the conversion of the defense industry to civilian production. …