Del Spurlock Jr.: Requiem for the All-Volunteer Force — and a Comment on Thomas Ricks’ “The Generals”

I supported the all-volunteer force but I now recognize the wisdom of General Matthew Ridgeway–he warned against relying on all volunteer force..  In combination with a battlefield full of unaccountable contractors — and a military no longer able to go to war without contractors — the failures of our generals are part of a larger …

SchwartzReport: Frank Rich on Fantasyland — A Public Without the Truth Gets a Government Far Removed From the Truth

Fantasyland Denial has poisoned the GOP and threatens the rest of the country too EXTRACT: The country has a larger problem-‘intellectual nihilism,” as the writer Noam Scheiber recently labeled it. Since 9/11, often but not always under the right’s aegis, truth has been destabilized in America. The Bush administration’s contempt for what it dismissed as …

Owl: Both Parties Died on 7 November 2012 — The Angry White Guy GOP *and* the Well-Intentioned Liberal Left — Gone, Gone, Gone

None of my liberal friends who I sent this article have responded or commented on it. Perhaps they cannot be bothered, since they are rejoicing at Obama’s win? Or could it be that Professor James Petras, who wrote it, and an outstanding scholar with many books and articles to his name, is puncturing their illusions …

Lou Dobbs: Bloomberg “Talk to the Hand” and Obama/Panetta Fail to Perform — Where are the GP Tents with Heaters, the Field Kitchens, the Medical Triage?

Speaking on Fox News today Lou Dobbs blasted the Obama Administration and Mayor “Talk to the Hand” Bloomberg.  While he exaggerates in relation to Katrina and Bush being blasted (Sandy is 40,000 displaced persons, Katrina was 700,000), he does make the obvious point upon which we elaborate–where is the US military with General Purpose (GP) …

Penguin: (Un)Classified Cable – Three Updates All Sad

This will only get worse….. Classified Cable From Benghazi Warned That Consulate Couldn’t Withstand a ‘Coordinated Attack’ (3 UPDATES!!) Chron, Thursday, November 1, 2012 Let me get this straight. A month before the attack in Libya, an Aug. 16th secret cable was sent to Sec Hillary Clinton and others in the State Department from the …