Tom Atlee: Andy Heben on Tent City Urbanism – From Homeless Camps to Self-Organizing Tiny House Villages

Self-managed villages of tiny houses => many solutions! Self-managed villages of tiny houses can address many of the ills of homelessness, middle class struggles, civic belt-tightening, sustainability, quality of life issues, and more. Andy Heben is a pioneer bringing this vision into the world, especially in the US, with good research and on-the-ground accomplishments behind …

Tom Atlee: Comparing “Wisdom of the Crowds” to Real Collective Wisdom

Comparing “Wisdom of the Crowds” to Real Collective Wisdom The popular book “The Wisdom of Crowds” says a lot about the remarkable accuracy of thousands of people making guesses about something that has a real but unknown answer now or in the future. This phenomenon is fascinating but it doesn’t provide us with actual WISDOM …

Tom Atlee: Role of Collective Intelligence in Wise Democracy Needed for Humanity’s Survival

TITLE: The role of collective intelligence in the wise democracy needed for humanity’s survival ABSTRACT: This article proposes that the primary function of intelligence is to sustain a dynamic system’s balance between environmental control and adaptability.  A dynamic system needs to remain in tune with its changing environments so that its actions continue to be …

Tom Atlee: OSE Meme Reaches

Robert:  Your meme is traveling in some interesting places! 🙂  – Tom Fuller Challenge Series Heartcom Network The Future of Earth – Open Source Everything “This is that moment when in the proliferation of uncertainty and the proliferation of chaos, we are ready to take the next quantum leap in our evolution.”   ~ Deepak …

Tom Atlee: Empathy Part of Co-Intelligence

Realizing Empathy as Part of Co-Intelligence Few people – including myself until recently – have realized how important empathy is to co-intelligence. Here I focus on four important connectors between empathy and co-intelligence – being heard, random selection, effective deep understanding, and resonant intelligence – that are fundamental to the creation of a truly wise …

Tom Atlee: How to Integrate Information for a Wiser Democracy

How to integrate information for a wiser democracy Many fields and professions – from journalism and academia to video games and movies – can and do stimulate informed – or misinformed – democratic engagement. Usually these sectors operate in semi-independent silos. Bringing them together to craft synergistic innovations on behalf of actionable shared understanding could …