Review: OBLIVION – America At The Brink by Thomas Bearden

6 Stars For Provocation & Graphics The books of Thomas Bearden, a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel and also a PhD intelligence analyst assigned the Soviet escoteric weapons target in the 1970’s and 1980’s, were brought to my attention by John Petersen, founder of The Arlington Institute still today one of America’s foremost futurist networks …

James Fetzer: Paul Doyon on China, 5G, And The Wuhan Coronavirus

China, 5G, And The Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus Paul Doyon Could there be a link between the Coronavirus and 5G? Researcher and building biologist Paul Doyon has just spent the last 18 months in China. He’s written a brilliant article laying out the evidence. And how you can protect yourself—an EMF based protection …

Paul Doyon: Protection & Healing in Face of 5G / Radiation — And Renewed Call to STOP 5G — TURN IT OFF!

What Can You Do to Protect Yourselves? Well given that accordingly the EMF effects act via the activation of VGCCs with a resulting increase in calcium ions inside the cell stimulating nitric oxide synthase to produce more nitric oxide leading downstream to the creation of free radicals (aka reactive oxygen species), it is important to, …

Mongoose: Alert Reader on Coronavirus, 5G, Doctors Dying, Bill Gates, Population Culling

Alert Reader writers in: None of this adds up.  Anomalies include: 30 day military drill in Wuhan to practice pandemic drills a few weeks before Wuhan outbreak [UN military gamers capped that 18 October — great way to hide intelligence and medical specialists from multiple countries] Same day Event 201 sponsored by Johns Hopkins for …