Yoda: Kim DotCom to Launch Alternative Internet

‘By the people, for the people’: Kim Dotcom to launch alternative internet Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom says he will help facilitate an unobstructed internet, free from prying eyes, through MegaNet, which will operate without IP addresses. The German entrepreneur is currently resisting extradition to the US from New Zealand over alleged copyright infringement. Dotcom, who …

Yoda: Post-Google Internet? Recursive InterNetwork Architecture (RINA) UPDATE 1

Tip of the Hat to Alert Reader. An alternative (post-Google) Internet appears to be emerging.  It is called the Recursive InterNetwork Architecture. It is more secure and reliable than the current internet which is based on the TCP/IP protocol suite. Dr. John Day of Boston University discovered/invented it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursive_InterNetwork_Architecture_(RINA) http://rina.tssg.org/docs/RINA_poster_A1-v2.pdf http://csr.bu.edu/rina/ http://pouzinsociety.org/ UPDATE 1 Alert …

Owl: Human-Animal Hybrids – Genetic Experiments Gone Very Wrong or Evidence of Increased Environmental Toxins, or Both?

Human-Animal Hybrids – Genetic Experiments Gone Very Wrong or Evidence of Increased Environmental Toxins, or Both? This web site (first link) explores an alternative theory of evolution, it collects and has collected a large number of pictures and videos or links of goats, sheep and other animals with human-like faces and characteristics. The site producer …

Norie Huddle: Russian Quantum-safe Block-Chain

Russian group delivers the first unhackable quantum-safe blockchain The group claims that its solution secures the blockchain by combining quantum key distribution with post-quantum cryptography so that it is essentially unhackable. It does so through the implementation of special blocks within the blockchain that are signed by quantum keys rather than the traditional digital signatures.

Lance Schuttler: CIA Spy Speaks Out After 30 Years of Censorship – Is It Time to Listen?

CIA Spy Speaks Out After 30 Years of Censorship – Is It Time to Listen? For thirty years Robert David Steele has been a proponent for intelligence reform. During all that time he has been silenced – marginalized – by the Deep State. Read full article with seven questions and answers. Back-up copy below the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Oracle Crashing — MarkLogic Rocking (XML Centric Does What SQL Cannot)

Et Tu, Brutus? Oracle Database on the Way Out i read “NoSQL to Undo Oracle’s Database Reign.” The author is a person who once worked at Oracle. Like Brutus, the author knows Julius Caesar. Sorry, I meant the jet loving, top dog at Oracle. The tussle between Oracle and MarkLogic seems likely to continue in …

Robert Steele: Donald Trump’s Bunker Hill Ronald Reagan Air Traffic Control Moment – Confronting CIA & The Deep State on Russians Hacking the Election (They Did Not) UPDATE 11

I invite readers to use the share buttons to send this to all possible pro-Trump twitter and facebook addresses (the ones that have not been illegally censored). UPDATES at end of this original post. Donald Trump’s Bunker Hill Moment As Donald Trump prepares to hear what I am certain will be carefully constructed lies from …