Michel Bauwens: Open Peer to allow direct peer-to-peer signaling to initiate connection between people, using browsers

Open Peer to allow direct peer-to-peer signaling to initiate connection between people, using browsers From openpeer.org – Today, 7:27 AM While WebRTC is a protocol that allows direct communication between individuals on the internet, using their browser, there is a bottleneck that needs to be resolved.  WebRTC does not have a “signaling protocol”, which allows …

Michel Bauwens: Marcin Jakubowski on The Open Source Economy

  Marcin Jakubowski – The Open Source Economy The Open Source Ecology – 50 Do It Yourself Tools for Civilization focused on 12 people, 2 hours a day living very well. Ethical open production yields a 50 times cost reduction over any given lifetime. Published on Oct 31, 2012 by MarionInstituteTV http://www.connectingforchange.org  Connecting for Change: …

Michel Bauwens: Douglas Rushkoff Overview of the Collaborative Economy

Archive for ‘P2PF/Orange Report’: Synthetic overview of the collaborative economy full appendixes Posted on October 31, 2012 Rushkoff on “Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy Report” “There is no longer any excuse to remain ignorant of the vast peer-to-peer landscape that is slowly but surely replacing the obsolete, monopolistic, and competitive institutions of yesterday. This authoritative …

Michel Bauwens: Why Open Access is Critical for the Future of Science

Open Access Explained! (YouTube 8:23) Robin Good: Few people today are aware of how much scientific knowledge is being restricted and not made accessible to everyone, thanks to existing business model and the exorbitant subscription prices that scientific journals and magazines charge to their subscribers.   Since such journals are the key medium through which scientists …

Michel Bauwens: Open Knowledge Production and Exchange of Local Content in Local Languages

Open Knowledge: Production and Exchange of Local Content in Local Languages Open Knowledge means a set of methodologies and principles that are related to both the distribution and the production of different knowledge works. In this context it is important to mention that the production as well as the distribution of knowledge works occurs in …

Michel Bauwens: Nondominium and the Commons

Using Nondominion to Evolve from Local to Global Commons * Paper: From Local to Global Commons. Applying Ostrom’s Key Principles for Sustainable Governance. By Valnora Leister and Mark Frazier. Abstract “This paper explores a possible new local-to-global system for the equitable governance of the “common pool resources.” As normally understood, the “Commons” refers to resources …