Michel Bauwens: Open Beats Closed – Slowly But Surely

Open and Shut Mark Pesce MoosesCloud, 27 October 2012 EXTRACT: “Closed can not fight open.  It can not find purchase to land a blow.  Microsoft has fought a decades-long war against Linux, only to lose the battle conclusively as the world moves to smartphones (Android), and embedded devices (such as the Light) running Linux.  Windows …

Michel Bauwens: Collaborative Economy Destroying Jobs [and Tax Base] – What’s Next?

Yes, the collaborative economy is destroying jobs. So what’s next? OuShare, 16 October 2012 by Stanislas Jourdan Let’s not be blind: yes, the collaborative economy is destroying a massive number of jobs. Is that a disaster though? It is, if we don’t redefine what ‘job’ and ‘work’ means, and how they relate to income. However, …

Michel Bauwens: The Future of Learning, Networked Society – Ericsson YouTube (20:18) + Digital Native Education RECAP

Can ICT redefine the way we learn in the Networked Society? Technology has enabled us to interact, innovate and share in whole new ways. This dynamic shift in mindset is creating profound change throughout our society. The Future of Learning looks at one part of that change, the potential to redefine how we learn and …

Michel Bauwens: Global Commons Movement to Meet in Berlin May 2013

The global commons movement is gathering again Submitted by George Pór on Sat, 10/20/2012 – 16:37 After the highly successful 1st International Commons Conference, there will be a second and even larger international gathering focused on the Economics of the Commons, in Berlin, May 2013. Organized by the Commons Strategies Group (with support of the Heinrich Böll …

Michel Bauwens: P2P State Approaches – The Partner State

Category:P2P State Approaches Introduction Michel Bauwens: The basic orientation of p2p theory towards societal reform: transforming civil society, the private and the state To the Finland Station: the political approach of P2P Theory Tommaso Fattori: The Public – Commons Partnership and the Commonification of that which is Public. Towards a Legal Framework for the Commons …