Reflections: how can the intelligence community remain relevant in the 21st century

Reflections: Seven Steps to US Intelligence Reform I was quite surprised to see multiple searches using the same language. It is an important question that I have been asking — and answering — since 1988 when I helped create the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (today a mini-me of the larger mis-directed secret intelligence world). My …

Reflections on the Future of Information Technology – An Open Letter

SHORTCUT: This started out as an a letter to the collective leadership of a very promising open source software company, took a side step toward Microsoft, and finally made the leap here as a general open reference. Earth Intelligence Network, A Virginia Non-Profit (501c3) Corporation, is seeking endowed alliances that might wish to advance …

Graphic: SOF Global Legend Added + White SOF RECAP

Key to the Map of US Special Operations Forces around the world, 2012-2013 Red: Special Ops Forces deployed in 2013 Blue: Special Ops Forces working with/training/advising/conducting operations with indigenous troops in the US or a third country during 2013. Purple: Special Ops Forces deployed in 2012 Yellow: Special Operations Forces working with/training/advising/conducting operations with indigenous …

Review: The Media Ecosystem — What Ecology Can Teach Us About Responsible Media Practice

Antonio Lopez 5.0 out of 5 stars A unique and timely integrative overview with many original insights, August 22, 2013 I received this book as a gift, and am glad that I did as I normally would not have noticed it, bought it, or reviewed it. I hope my review will inspire others to buy …

Marcus Aurelius: Hagel Choosing Bad Platforms Over Good People

Looks as if SECDEF has identified the alternatives — humans or hardware– and has picked hardware. Hagel: Pentagon Must Choose Between People or Platforms WASHINGTON — The Pentagon might have to cancel many modernization programs over a decade-long period should mandatory federal spending caps remain in place over the next decade, US Defense Secretary Chuck …

Berto Jongman: Transatlantic Drug Trade — The US Market Keeps on Growing

Transatlantic Drug Trade Europe, Latin America and the Need to Strengthen Anti-Narcotics Cooperation Latin American drug networks are increasing their operations in Europe, primarily because the size of the cocaine market has decreased in North America. The appropriate response, argues this briefing paper, is to further improve transatlantic counter-narcotics cooperation. That could include stronger links …

Mini-Me: US reportedly bugged EU offices, computer networks, according to Der Spiegel magazine

Huh? US reportedly bugged EU offices, computer networks, according to Der Spiegel magazine The United States has been accused of bugging European Union offices and accessing EU computer networks, according to secret documents cited in German magazine Der Spiegel. EXTRACT: The president of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, says if the report is correct it …