Julian Assange at Chaos Computing Conference — Calls on “Hacker Class” to Unite

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Calls on Computer Hackers to Unite Against NSA Surveillance WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange addressed a major gathering of computer experts Monday at the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, Germany, calling on them to join forces in resisting government intrusions on Internet freedom and privacy. We play highlights from Assange’s speech, as well …

4th Media: Anglo-American Axis: Losing Ukraine or Losing Europe Putin Can Win the Game?

Anglo-American Axis: Losing Ukraine or Losing Europe Putin Can Win the Game? What is it that really “scared the hell” out of the Anglo-Americans? Could Ukraine become an area of cooperation between Russia and Europe? Could European countries break free? Concerning Ukraine, it now appears that the fury shown by the Anglo-Americans (that seems really …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Global Computing – Cheaper

Amazon Aims to Make Computing Cheaper Amazon has aspirations beyond being the world’s largest retailer. The online retail giant also aspires to be a mega force in computing, says The New York Times Bits Blog in: “Amazon Bares Its Computers.” Amazon has announced that it is taking its Amazon Web Services beyond simple cloud-computing to …

Patrick Meier: Combining Radio, SMS, and Advanced Computing for Disaster Response

Combining Radio, SMS and Advanced Computing for Disaster Response I’m headed to the Philippines this week to collaborate with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on humanitarian crowdsourcing and technology projects. I’ll be based in the OCHA Offices in Manila, working directly with colleagues Andrej Verity and Luis Hernando to support their …

4th Media: Putin Trying to Build & Secure Rail Link through DPRK + High-Speed Rail RECAP

Putin Trying to Build & Secure Rail Link through DPRK(aka, “North Korea”) for Moving Goods between Asia and Europe Putin is inching closer to his goal of turning Russia into a major transit route for trade between eastern Asia and Europe by prying open North Korea, a nuclear-capable dictatorship isolated for half a century. Russia last …

Patrick Meier: Humanitarian Crisis Computing 101

Disaster-affected communities are increasingly becoming “digital” communities. That is, they increasingly use mobile technology & social media to communicate during crises. I often refer to this user-generated content as Big (Crisis) Data. Humanitarian crisis computing seeks to rapidly identify informative, actionable and credible content in this growing stack of real-time information. The challenge is akin …

NIGHTWATCH: Russia-US-Syria – Link to Putin’s NYT Op-Ed

Russia-US: President Putin’s opinion piece which was printed by the New York Times is well-written, well-reasoned and insufferable. After their invasion of Georgia in 2008 and operations in Chechnya, the Russians have no standing to lecture anyone about international law and the use of force. However, Putin helped reset the discussion about the 21 August …