Patrick Meier: Free New Humanitarian Computing Library

New! Humanitarian Computing Library The field of “Humanitarian Computing” applies Human Computing and Machine Computing to address major information-based challengers in the humanitarian space. Human Computing refers to crowdsourcing and microtasking, which is also referred to as crowd computing. In contrast, Machine Computing draws on natural language processing and machine learning, amongst other disciplines. The Next …

Patrick Meier: Making All Voices Count Using SMS and Advanced Computing

Making All Voices Count Using SMS and Advanced Computing Local communities in Uganda send UNICEF some 10,000 text messages (SMS) every week. These messages reflect the voices of Ugandan youths who use UNICEF’s U-report SMS platform to share their views on a range of social issues. Some messages are responses to polls created by UNICEF …

Owl: Putin Switches to Typewriters — Are All Computers Compromised?

Is Going Back to Typewriters the Answer? “In Russia, President Putin’s office just stopped using PC’s and switched to typewriters.  What do they know that we don’t? Perhaps it’s Intel NSA inside.” The NSA has been incredibly thorough in nailing down every possible way to tap into communications. Yet the one company’s name that hasn’t …

Paul Craig Roberts: Putin Chews Out G8, Merkel Supports Him — A Must Read!

Below is a translation from As-Safir, a Lebanese newspaper, July 6, 2013, by Arabic-English translator Eric Mueller. As the translator was not present at the Group of Eight meeting, he cannot vouch for the accuracy of the report, only for the accuracy of the translation. The report by Dawud Rimal does reflect Putin’s no-nonsense manner …

Vladimir Putin: Syria My Way — An Overview

Western-Backed Insurgents suffer “Stalingrad-like Defeat” in Qasair. Syrian Army wins Decisive Victories throughout Syria Christof Lehmann (nsnbc),- On Saturday 8. June 2013 the Syrian Arab Army has won decisive battles over western-backed insurgents in Qasair and throughout the country. In Qasair, the last pockets of resistance in al-Budweia al Sharquia were fought down and the …

Michel Bauwens: Cloud Computing as Virtual Prison

Cloud Computing as Enclosure 15th January 2013 Republished from David Bollier: “As more and more computing moves off our PCs and into “the Cloud,” Internet users are gaining access to a wealth of new software-based services that can exploit vast computing capacity and memory storage. That’s wonderful. But what about our freedom to create and …

Robert Steele: Introducing Dr. Greg Newby, Director of the University of Alaska Supercomputing Center, and Co-Founder of the Multinational Open Source Arctic Innovation Consortium (MOSAIC)

Today I had the pleasure of sitting down for a second time with Dr. Greg Newby, director of one of America’s top supercomputing centers, this one in Alaska and operated by the University of Alaska.  He has some ideas about Arctic information collection, prcoessing, analysis, and SHARING that are breath-taking; I attribute this in part …