John Robb: Understanding Pathogenic Behavior

THE ART OF PATHOGENIC WARFARE Within human social and economic systems, pathogenic behavior is spreading.  This is particularly true among powerful, successful, and wealthy people (finance, economics, politics, etc.) in the developed world.  What specifically do I mean by pathogenic?  An ever greater number of these people are adopting behaviors that are actively hostile to the …

John Robb: Radical Energy Innovation Here Now

RC ENERGY TIDBIT: Leveraging the Earth for Heat/Cooling Resilient energy leverages the terrain. Resilient guerrillas/warriors leverage the terrain they are fighting on to the max.  In our case, we want: plentiful, low cost (hyper efficient) energy that uses a process that’s inexpensive to maintain and is under our control (not subject global supply chain factors and …

John Robb: Darknet Creating Global Mesh Network

The Darknet Project: netroots activists dream of global mesh network By Ryan Paul A group of Internet activists gathered last week in an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel to begin planning an ambitious project—they hope to overcome electronic surveillance and censorship by creating a whole new Internet. The group, which coordinates its efforts through the …

John Robb: Occupy Resilience – Condemn the Regional Power Companies and Then Municipalize Them

Resilient Energy: Municipalization of Power How can you help your community build a resilient energy system?  One of the first steps is to buy back the energy system from the regional power company by condemning it and then municipalizing it (it can be run as a power co-op or as a standard company …  The …

John Robb: Micro Drones Threaten US Citizens at Home

DRONES and US Internal Security Signature strikes target groups of men believed to be militants associated with terrorist groups, but whose identities aren’t always known. The bulk of CIA’s drone strikes are signature strikes.  Wall Street Journal. Drones are changing the dynamics of warfare in very scary ways.  They make oppression much easier (and cost-effective). …